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Far eastern practices

The UMATI is an ideal instrument for performing the massages with tapping techniques used in Far Eastern practices and martial arts (such as Neigong, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Qigong, Reiki, etc.). It creates a vibrational stimulus that sends soft shock waves and a stream of energy through the body. The vibration of these exercises activates the internal chi energy and creates the necessary space in order to be reabsorbed. It also promotes the active elimination of toxins and improves skin condition and overall body function.

The UMATI™ Professional is a metal broom for performing tapping massages and differs from other similar instruments also used in Far Eastern practices in that it is a professional device that takes into account all the therapeutic features of body tapping techniques.


Tapping massage is a Far Eastern therapeutic method. The UMATI™ Professional is a metal broom for performing tapping massages and differs from other similar instruments also used in Far Eastern practices in that it is a professional device that takes into account all the therapeutic features of body tapping techniques.
With the UMATI, numerous thin metal rods are used as a bundle to tap along specific lines of the body and limbs. The metal rods produce a vibration that creates a passive stimulation in the bone marrow.
Through the tapping vibrations, muscle functions and fascia become elastic and adhesions loosen. The technique also aims to “cleanse” the internal organs by increasing blood flow, promoting waste removal from the cells and stimulating metabolism. It enables the body to become permeable, i.e. to open it to the flow of internal chi energy.
Tapping also has a positive effect on the walls of the blood vessels and strengthens the ligamentous apparatus, which in turn helps to strengthen the internal structure of the body. In addition, the whole body gains elasticity and tonicity through the vibrations and is freed from stress.

The main difference of the UMATI Professional from other “brooms” already existing in the world (made of bamboo, birch, other metal bundles gathered together) is the ratio of its own weight to the degree of spring force (the degree of softness of its impact on the body). This indicator characterises two key properties of therapeutic “brooms”:
1. Softness.  The UMATI has a paradoxical softness. If we hit the body with a 1.5 kg metal rod, the skin on the body is cut or the bone is damaged. But if we do this with 100 metal rods of the same weight of 1.5 kg, which are separated from each other on impact and thereby increase the contact area many times over, it is completely safe and painless.  And even a hit with relatively high force produced by a masseur or physiotherapist using UMATI is felt by the patient to be much more pleasant, softer and painless.
In contrast to UMATI, the hits with a bamboo broom with all its sticks are much blunter, causing painful sensations and having a less profound effect and thus a weaker therapeutic effectivity.
2. Vibrations. A bamboo or a similar broom does not have a high spring capacity (such an important internal tension) and therefore generates no or much less self oscillation at all. The UMATI on the other hand, due to its high inherent spring capacity and relatively high internal tension, generates this vibration and transmits it to the patient’s body.This is the main reason why UMATI therapy is more effective than with other similar instruments.  The lighter the instrument (e.g. made of bamboo), the weaker its effect on the body. Conversely, the heavier the instrument, the deeper the effect on the tissue and the therapeutic effect.
So the higher the difference between gravity and the softness of the impact (spring force), the deeper and more painless the effect on the body.

The UMATI has another therapeutic benefit that is considered in the context of alternative medicine. It affects the posture of the body. And it is not only about the bent or curved position of a person, but also about posture as a consequence of “misbehaviour”, i.e. on a mental level.
Misbehaviour means, for example, different mental blockages or fears (temporary or long-term) that create constrictions that can be described figuratively with the phrase “you’re fed up”. This unconsciously leads to inner tensions such as clenched jaw, hunched shoulders, ringing in the ears, hard muscle tone. It also disturbs blood flow to the neck, face and eventually the entire head area. These are some of the main tensions that lead to the development of a variety of painful symptoms.
Specific behaviour as a causative factor for the development of symptoms of illness is thus shown on the one hand in the visible posture and on the other hand in the tension of the internal organs, which is difficult to recognise for the untrained eye (a restricted heart function, a congested liver, kidney pain, bladder weakness, etc.).
This tension stress is reduced by the treatment with the UMATI, it is therefore also an instrument for posture correction. The UMATI releases the tension and restores a harmonious physical balance.
The main task of the UMATI application is to bring everything into motion, into vibration: Blood flow, lymph flow, energy flow … Where there is motion, everything vital is in flow.Thus, the UMATI can be seen as an instrument for revitalising the entire body.