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Alternative practitioners

UMATI is an instrument to control the element of wind. It is an instrument that generates motion and transmits it to the body.

Aleksej Zasuhin

Practice for Physiotherapy and Tibetan Medicine, UMAHAUS, Berlin

More and more people are seeking alternative practitioners because they have a need for an individual, holistic treatment concept in addition to conventional medicine. As an alternative practitioner, you can take this treatment concept to the next emotional level with the UMATI.

Looking at the human being as a whole is an essential element of the treatment by an alternative practitioner. This also includes recognising the imbalance in-between body and soul and identifying and treating not only the symptom but also its cause. For the identification and subsequent treatment of impairments, alternative practitioners therefore work out an individual therapy adapted specifically to the patient on the basis of a careful anamnesis and the subsequent diagnosis.

The UMATI was originally developed in conjunction with existing Far Eastern tapping techniques for the body, which we know for example from Tai Chi, Neigong, Kung Fu, Qigong or Reiki. It combines traditional types of massage, each of which works with pressure point techniques (Digito-Pressure, acupressure, lymph drainage, sports massage) or vibration (singing bowls).  Far Eastern medicine, Tibetan medicine and alternative practices all pursue the common goal of bringing the “Chi” into balance. This is also the case with UMATI.

Here, too, your experience and your existing range of treatments will indicate into which already applied concepts you can integrate the UMATI. Furthermore, the UMATI sees itself as a living, evolving treatment concept. Existing offers such as bioresonance therapy, phytotherapy, kinesiology, osteopathy and other applications of medicine can be individually conceptually extended by the UMATI.

The UMATI works on the level of vibration and thus on the level of energy. Motion generates energy. With the UMATI, you as a practitioner can open up a new range of treatments for your patients with only minimal physical effort.

Your experience and first exercises with the UMATI invite you to get creative. Let your treatment experience slip into it. Consider the UMATI as your extended arm and as an offer to your patients to open up to a holistic treatment technique.


The main advantage of UMATI is that it relieves the physiotherapist’s hands and fingers and at the same time has a deep effect on the body (like a third hand). UMATI therefore helps to replace the always heavily stressed hands in between.

When tapping, UMATI creates a deep, painless vibration through a gentle but strong impact on the body, which “dissolves” and expands congested areas of the body and at the same time relaxes the muscles. The blood circulation in the affected area is stimulated and the immune system becomes aware of the blocked area. Tapping on the body creates different types of stimuli such as pressure, tissue stretching and vibration, which penetrate through the skin into the tissues and cause fluid movements at the cellular level. This improves metabolism, blood circulation and lymph flow.

UMATI greatly expands the range of techniques and methods that can be used by the physiotherapist, thereby increasing their competence in front of the patient. There are techniques that work very well for some people and not at all for others: for various reasons – age, ethical and religious attitudes, etc. In many of these cases, UMATI effectively eliminates the problem and at the same time offers something new to the patient.

Not with all physiotherapeutic procedures and devices the therapeutic effect is noticeable. With UMATI, the benefits of the instrument are immediately noticeable for the patient and the therapist after the first treatment. Convince yourself by registering for one of our seminars and simply trying it out.

Within a short time of starting regular use, UMATI creates an emotional connection with the patients and allows to feel its effect on them, providing quick feedback immediately after treatment begins. This feedback and the “feel” of the instrument make it very easy to adjust to the individual needs of the patient: To use UMATI in a localised and well-dosed way, depending on the problem and the area where it occurs, and to change and adjust the rhythm and intensity immediately.

UMATI Pro is an instrument that is very enjoyable to work with.  It brings creativity and a playful element to the work. The sounds that the UMATI produces when used are between rustling and ringing. This is due to the wide frequency range in which the instrument vibrates. The rhythm, the sound and the vibrations themselves can be easily changed to create different melodies and associations and even hypnotic effects in a relaxed, sometimes trance-like state.

As UMATI has a strong therapeutic effect on the patient, it is also an excellent fitness trainer for the physiotherapist. While working with UMATI, the muscles in the arms, shoulders, back and the abdominal muscles are trained.  By using UMATI instead of hands, the physiotherapist (or masseur) transfers the load from small (thin) muscles and joints to larger ones. In this way, UMATI has a significant healing effect on the therapist – after 4-5 months of regular use of UMATI, muscle and joint pain disappear.

The use of UMATI allows you to keep your distance when necessary and to completely eliminate manual contact with the patient (very important under the conditions of the Corona pandemic, when working with patients with herpes or other diseases transmitted by contact).

UMATI is easy to bring along and can therefore also be used outside the physiotherapist’s or masseur’s practice, e.g. when working with the patients in their home or in the fresh air.

UMATI is much more inexpensive than most vibratory massagers. It has an almost unlimited life span if properly maintained and also does not require any additional consumables (creams, oils, additional parts and components, filters, etc.). In addition to the high functionality and the wide range of therapeutic applications, UMATI is also advantageous from an economic point of view.

UMATI is much more inexpensive than most vibratory massagers. It has an almost unlimited life span if properly maintained and also does not require any additional consumables (creams, oils, additional parts and components, filters, etc.). In addition to the high functionality and the wide range of therapeutic applications, UMATI is also advantageous from an economic point of view.


Learn more about UMATI in practice application. We offer seminars and webinars where you can see the therapy instrument in action and try it out. Convince yourself of UMATI!